• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • “He goes”. Correct.

    “She goes.” Correct.

    “It goes.” Correct.

    “They goes.” Wrong. And that’s just confusing for people who never ever were taught that in any form of education. I know it’s an old construct and not a new innovation but for people like me it feels just off. It’s not malice on my part to act against different genders, I’m just explaining why that part of the English language is weird

  • There was no way Germany could have “won” anyway, unless it resulted in literally conquering the entire world. They were in a state of constant “mission creep” (to use a modern term). Early it was “retake the land we lost in the first war”, then it was “Lebensraum im Osten”, then Africa, the entire Soviet Union, etc.

  • The ONLY problem I have had with this, is the controller on the system itself defaults as controller 1, so SOME games it takes a little fiddling to use different controllers. But I have done this and it works great.

    I don’t know if you’re talking about in-game fiddling or Steam Input but to clarify for others here: Steam allows to reorder the controllers, so the thing I usually do at the beginning of game party is to move the Deck’s integrated inputs to the last place.

  • Steam does not have a monopoly by any actual definition of monopoly, though. A) Mobile gaming makes up the most of all video gaming revenue. B) On PC the most revenue is made by games that aren’t even on Steam in the first place (Minecraft, Fortnite, Roblox). Steam’s 2023 revenue has been estimated to be around 8.6bn USD out of 45bn USD of PC gaming revenue. That’s barely a 5th of the market power. By no account this can be actually considered to be a monopoly.
