• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • It’s not about being unable to face choices, it’s that if you make beginners make choices about things they don’t yet understand, they won’t be able to make an informed decision, and they will feel overwhelmed.

    I don’t understand why people don’t just recommend vanilla Ubuntu. It’s popular, it’s easy, pretty much every Linux Desktop troubleshooting article is written in the Context of Ubuntu. There’s only one flavor of it, so you don’t even have to learn what a Desktop Environment is until you’re ready to get there.

    If you want more Linux users, you need to lower the barriers to entry. If you gatekeep Linux by demanding that people already understand things like the differences between different DEs before they’ve even installed the OS for the first time, you can expect that people will keep using Windows.

    Microsoft spends billions of marketing dollars pushing Windows. Linux doesn’t have a marketing department, that’s up to the community. We can’t be marketing Linux as harder to use while Microsoft markets Windows as easier to use, not unless our goal is to boost Microsoft’s profits.

  • I have some notes:

    None of what you’ve posted in that community includes enough context for me to make an informed opinion about the mod actions themselves.

    The first post you made 7 months ago includes a screenshot, but it doesn’t include the OP, so I have no idea what the Mod is even reacting to. For all I know I might agree with them. You also say it is on the “main meme sub”, but I have no idea what that means, you really need to indicate the exact community you are talking about.

    The next two posts don’t include anything tangible. No screenshots, no permalinks, not even usernames for the allegedly misbehaving mods. Only one of them actually says what community you’re talking about.

    None of what you’ve posted so far constitutes a “pattern” either. You’re mostly just complaining about one-off disagreements that you’ve had with Mods. This isn’t really doing anything to help hold mods accountable.

    And in your posts so far, you make a lot of extremely suspect complaints:

    In your first post you claim that a mod removed a meme for being “not funny to feminists”, which kinda sounds like code for “sexist meme”. You then go on to say that the mod “is surprisingly tolerant for a feminist”.

    In your second post you say that a mod “removed comments that weren’t feminist”, and sarcastically bemoan “so much for politics”.

    In your third post claim that a mod removed a comment for “not voting left”, but then go on to complain that others in the thread (not mods) called this person a Nazi. I don’t see what any of the other users comments have to do with anything if your goal is to hold mods responsible, but it’s also fairly telling that you think being called a Nazi is disagreeable, but won’t provide the context…

    Quite frankly you come across as a anti-feminist shitlord who has decided to be a busybody and make a whole community for you to be butthurt about feminist and anti-fascists mods. The reason nobody else contributes to the community you started is because you’ve set the bar so miserably low.

  • A fascist accelerationist is poised for a possible win in the next election, and you’ve gone full Roko’s Basilisk and have decided to aid and abet the Fascist because if he wins, you want to be spared from his wrath.

    We’ll let me tell you, the fascists will eventually come for you if they are allowed to take over, so you better drop the defeatism and rally for a second Biden term like your life depends on it. Plenty of people’s do.

    Or just become a fascist out of cowardice, and the resistance will show you what real fear looks like when we find you, and I assure you, Trump won’t be there to save you.

    So think long and hard about what the actual stupid decision would be here. Announcing your plan to enable ethnofascism in America isn’t exactly a demonstration of intelligence if you’re hoping to avoid conflict.