I run 16 Bit Virtual Studios. You can find more reviews from me on YouTube youtube.com/@16bitvirtual or other social media @16bitvirtual, and we sell our 3D Printed stuff on 16bitstore.com

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • For an alternative, when I was looking into server os’s, from what I can tell RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) is the go to since it’s stable. That said RHEL is not free, so what people use to do is get a free OS which is down stream to RHEL, that’s your Alma and Rocky Linux.

    However back in 2023 IBM made some changes, and now Alma and Rocky had to rebase off of CentOS Stream which is what RHEL is based off of.

    For all intent and purpose I’d recommend using Debain, but Alma and Rocky are alternatives you may want to look into. Personally using Alma and outside of the learning curve of using a RHEL based OS, it has been quite stable.

  • In most non Apple Desktops, the most you’d get from connecting your iPad/iPhone is access to the photos and videos. You’d need to use iTunes to access the music or device documents.

    On Macs it “Just works” and gives you full access to music and files.

    While I can’t access my iPads videos and music in Mint. It’s nice to at least get me access to the documents, along side the camera videos and pictures. Not as good as I’d like it to be, but a lot better than what you can do with Windows… without installing iTunes.

  • Mostly a guess as to prove it is outside of my reach. The CPU was new out of the box, and there are a lot of reports from Reddit, and other tech forums about Gigabyte B350M boards having issues with Ryzen 5000. I forgot where I this tidbit came from, but from my understanding, Ryzen 5000 has a larger instruction set, which first gen Ryzen Motherboard BIOS Storage didn’t have the space for. Some boards would loose functionality for Ryzen 1000 if they wanted to use Ryzen 5000.

    So I feel it’s a safe assumption that at least with my board it probably was an issue. Wasn’t going to dig deeper when my 1600x still worked and I was within the 15 return period.