Hi! I’m an anime artist!

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • Maybe not be exactly what you’re looking for, but Logseq has a daily note-taking function. When you open it for the first time of the day, it shows you a blank journal with the current date as the header and you can put whatever you want in it. It has a search function that can search through all the notes you’ve made for specific text. It saves each day as a separate markdown file and you can sync these to your phone or other devices with Syncthing, a cloud service like Google Drive, or with git if you host something like Forgejo.

    The only thing about Logseq is that it doesn’t use the standard syntax for Markdown checkboxes. Instead, it has it’s own Todo syntax, which is perfectly human readable without Logseq, but loses out of some convenience if you were to migrate to something else.

  • So currently only Edge users can filter what gets picked up by Recall by site, and Chromium users get private browsing mode blocked out of the box? In the article, the Mozilla rep they interviewed says that Microsoft didn’t reach out to them or hasn’t made available any documentation on how to get non chromium browsers to pick what gets included in Recall.

    Even if this is something thats off by default and is encrypted if you do turn it on, boy would I never want to turn it on.

  • Tangentially related, but I remember being in college when Tesla was like starting to take off. Like the Model S had just come out. I went to one of the Tesla internship presentations on campus and listened to some of the people who had the internship the previous year and they talked about how they were pulling like, 60+ hour weeks and that they had like, a shuttle that ran all throughout the night to take them from the workplace to the housing. Some talked about going back home at like 3AM, and then showing up for work again at 8AM. It really sounded kind of like it would be a very stressful experience and I didn’t even want to apply after listening to it. I guess they were paid well, but

    Sounds like things have only gotten way more chaotic since then