• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Well, another party that is willing to actually govern is welcome to stand up for itself and replace the GOP.

    Until that happens, we have the GOP, a party that is ran by gaslighting, obstructionism, and projection, who’s real purpose has been laid bare for decades: To take our government, and “reduce it to the size where [they] can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub”. And the Democrats, a party that has its own flaws, but actually wants to enact laws and run the country.

    One of these parties wants to actively destroy our government, and one of them doesn’t.

  • The largest stock investors are institutional investors managing funds on behalf of retirement plans. Those investors tend to prefer consistent long term growth over a narrow quarterly growth target, and will actually look at things beyond just stock price, like strategy and long term market prospects.

    Based on what evidence? They just make sure the line steadily goes up each quarter, instead of accounting for companies that invest potential profits into longer-term plans. If not, the 401K investor will either drop the stock, or put it in a higher-risk plan.

    That sort of thinking is akin to corporate suicide when in a publicly-traded market, so they don’t do it.

    A company like Valve isn’t publicly-traded, and they have a limited number of investors they can talk to about their plans. That and they have a reputation of quality products, so even the investors are going to put up with short-term drops in profitability for even more profits.

  • Valve does good not because they don’t have shareholders, but because their leadership is not gonna get fired for thinking about next year instead of next quarter. So they don’t squeeze the consumers for every dime, so people stick with them, and developers stay even though their fee schedule is not the best because they have all the people.

    All of that short-term thinking is because of the stock market. All of their shareholders think of, day in and day out, is “line go up”.