• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Interesting to learn some finer grained details of the scene.

    I do actually have my own graphics software projects like halfway open source, but I could only bring myself to share the backend color coding algorithms.

    I can’t bring myself to share the frontend GUI code, as it has to work around many bugs of the language its coded in (RapidQ), and I really ain’t got time to try to explain all the weird fixes to make it work mostly right.

    Anyways, the last version of my project was Color Painter 1.5B


    I have my own simple license that basically says have fun, do whatever you want, but only for free private personal usage.

    But that was back in 2017, I had no idea that AI systems were about to take over the scene.

    So now I’m like fuckit.

    I just don’t share the GUI code because I had to pull so many jankery tricks that nobody would really understand, partly to fix bugs in the language and partly to remap keyboard shortcuts.

    These days, it hardly matters. If you’re interested in my old project, just hit me up.

    I’m all about free software, but I have my reasons for not tending to share all my code to everyone. It’s rather confusing.

  • Damn, same here. I copied the error report, YouTube is apparently being fucky again…


    • User Action: play stream
    • Request: Player error[type=ERROR_CODE_IO_BAD_HTTP_STATUS] occurred while playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0GFRcFm-aY
    • Content Country: US
    • Content Language: en-US
    • App Language: en_US
    • Service: YouTube
    • Version: 0.27.0
    • OS: Linux motorola/lake_revvl_n/lake_n:10/QPW30.142-Q3-28-25/4cbcf:user/release-keys 10 - 29 <details><summary><b>Crash log </b></summary><p>
    com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlaybackException: Source error
    	at com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlayerImplInternal.handleIoException(ExoPlayerImplInternal.java:644)
    	at com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlayerImplInternal.handleMessage(ExoPlayerImplInternal.java:616)
    	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:103)
    	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:241)
    	at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
    Caused by: com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.HttpDataSource$InvalidResponseCodeException: Response code: 403
    	at org.schabi.newpipe.player.datasource.YoutubeHttpDataSource.open(YoutubeHttpDataSource.java:422)
    	at com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.DefaultDataSource.open(DefaultDataSource.java:263)
    	at com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.TeeDataSource.open(TeeDataSource.java:52)
    	at com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.CacheDataSource.openNextSource(CacheDataSource.java:796)
    	at com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.cache.CacheDataSource.open(CacheDataSource.java:609)
    	at com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.StatsDataSource.open(StatsDataSource.java:84)
    	at com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.chunk.InitializationChunk.load(InitializationChunk.java:99)
    	at com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.Loader$LoadTask.run(Loader.java:412)
    	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
    	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
    	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919)

    </details> <hr>