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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • orcrist@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldLoyalty
    13 hours ago

    Well that’s kind of funny. You’re right that white people cooked up her image. And they did so specifically with the idea that she would fit that stereotype of the older slave woman who has always worked in the kitchen, and is happy to do so, and because of that she’s really good at cooking.

    By the way, the word “aunt” was not used to be respectful, but rather specifically to be disrespectful. That particular nuance has faded over time, but the history is real, and once you learn it you can’t forget it.

    The sad thing is, you could have inferred this without looking it up. You could have asked yourself why they didn’t use a cartoon character of a white woman, with a white sounding name. The fact that you didn’t, and that you didn’t bother doing a web search, shows how much you want to avoid seeing racism in the modern world. But just because you don’t want to look at it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Reality is not that kind, my friend.

    Finally, don’t take my word for it. Ask the company itself why they changed the name. They have documentation on the subject.

  • orcrist@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldLoyalty
    5 days ago

    Ask yourself why Aunt Jemima was chosen long ago. What stereotype did she represent? What is her back story supposed to be? … That is the obvious starting point.

    I don’t think it’s hard to connect the dots on this one.

    As a general position, hiring a minority to produce art doesn’t mean that all uses of the art are positive.

  • To be clear, all of the big media groups and all of the big AI companies are in favor of expanding copyright law to give themselves more power. If one of them wins or loses on an issue like this, it doesn’t improve our life in any way.

    Everyone has their own opinion, but I think the problem with AI is not that people are developing fancy Turing test machines, but rather that the whole industry is full of cynical speculation where people are getting rich knowing that they can’t deliver what they’ve promised, at great expense to everyone else in society.

  • From a practical standpoint, it’s hard to imagine what you could possibly be doing where it’s beneficial to have a thousand tabs open.

    If I’m writing a research paper, I might want 5 or 10 tabs open at a given time. Let’s say I’m a little chaotic so I get up to 20. And then limitations on my working memory kick in, and having any more open tabs actually makes me worse off.

    But then let’s suppose it’s a thesis that’s 50 pages long. So I might be relying on 40 or 50 references. I’m not relying on them all at the same time, right? So I definitely don’t want to keep those tabs open all at the same time.

    What I could do, and what you could consider, is either bookmarking things or using archive.org to make a backup of the pages.

    In one of the other comments you mentioned Facebook. That has me a little concerned again with your objectives. If it’s something private on Facebook that can’t be recovered later, and you need something reliable, then you have no choice but to do long screenshots or scrolling videos. If it’s not reliable, then why do you care so much to keep the window open? Just close the window, remember whatever you remember, and move on with your life.

    Whatever you do, here’s a few rules of thumb… Your web browser is not an archiving tool. Printing to PDF is one way to archive things. There are other ways to archive things too. You don’t actually need to archive as much as you might think you need to archive. Most of the things that we think might be important now actually won’t be useful at all three months from now. Rarely would one actually want to have a thousand sources of information for any given task.

  • I think you were doing all right until you got to the end, where you went into hardcore conspiracy theory mode. But even at the beginning, you were oversimplifying, which made your analysis weak. In reality, there are many different attackers willing to spend different amounts of time and money. When we take steps to improve security, we discourage some of those attackers even if we don’t stop them all.

  • orcrist@lemm.eetoPrivacy@lemmy.mlThe Cloudflare Poison
    1 month ago

    That all depends on your setup. If your website is on a VPS, why are you adding the extra security? Are you adding extra security? I think one of the points is that you’re taking away security.

    And if you need firewall rules, maybe you should put the firewall rules on your firewall. Why would you rely on someone else’s firewall?