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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024


  • Advertising may be your problem, but I know the government’s not taking the “we dont allow kids to be served ads”, so then what, they’re mad it’s the Chinese in the lead? The Kids aren’t gonna be better off playing COD and watching action movies both of which are lightly disguised military recruitment propaganda aimed at them. You may be mad about it but based on their actions it’s not the fact kids are getting exploited that made the Surgeon General speak out, it’s that’s kids are getting exploited and someone else is benefiting.

    The mental health isn’t going to get better even if social media didn’t exist in general. People would just find a different outlet to develop maladaptive coping strategies with. Treating the symptoms isn’t gonna cure the root issue, but the root issue is expensive so we all know they’re not going to touch that.

  • I quit all non anonymous social media a while back and it’s lonely as fuck. If I wasn’t a low level autist with a small very online friend group I’d miss out on a lot. When people make plans for parties, get togethers, anything like that, they do it on social media and if I dont somehow hear about it and ask, I don’t get an invite. This works for me as many of those people and parties are things that I don’t wanna do, but if I had a kid in school I could not imagine the massive social gap it would create for them to not have social media.

    For kids it really seems like a pick your poison situation, social media and all that comes eith it, or being left out of a lot of social activities at the most social time of your life.