Despite all my rage I’m still a rat refreshing this page.

I use arch btw

Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, a Russian psychological warfare operative, and db0’s sockpuppet.

Pronouns are she/her.

Vegan for the iron deficiency.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • ASIO director-general Mike Burgess says Australia’s terror-level threat has been raised to “probable” due to a rising mix of ideologies where more people think “violence is permissible”.

    What an asinine phrasing. Basically everyone except the Jains think that violence is permissible. Mike Burgess certainly thinks it is.

    Where people disagree is over when, the degree, by whom, and to whom. This gross liberal idea what when the cops throw a climate protestor to the ground and pepper spray them, that is wholesome non violence. But if a climate protestor throws a brick through a window that is scary, evil, bad violence is part of how society stays so broken and alienating.

    I’m probably much more towards the non violence spectrum than your average person. For instance it absolutely disgusts me that we permit police torture implements that would be illegal in war. Your average person is quite bullish on those, and that police are allowed to escalate violence by upgrading charges through resisting arrest. So don’t take this as an endorsement of violence against people. Just that if we ignore how violent the status quo is we don’t get to act surprised when it produced violent resistance, even if most of those people want something much worse.

  • I fucking hate driving because of how a minority of others drive. Not the accidental mistakes etc but straight up psychotic maniacs: the tail gaters, the no indicators, the cutting in front to catch an exiters and so on.

    But holy shit this isn’t a good solution. Something about our roads and cars turns people who might just be kinda abrasive into homicidal maniacs. The solution is to find and change whatever that is.

    Spying on everyone is a terrible precedent and wont actually address the cause. When significant portions of the population do something the problem is systemic, you can’t punish/torture your way out of systemic flaws.

  • Coops are so powerful. I tried to get involved in our local ones however they’re dying for (imo) really frustrating reasons.

    Instead of leveraging their core strength, namely allowing poor people to collectively negotiate for fair prices while cutting out middle men, they are focused on everything to the max ethical hippy shit (amusingly the same busybodies pushing this also voted to make it not vegan anymore… wtf do you believe in?) so the result is they’ve become super bougie.

    Instead of being a place where you can buy beans and rice etc at below supermarket prices while still giving the farmers a better deal it’s all organic biodynamic gluten free almonds and luxury teas. Don’t get me wrong, I love my fancy tea, but first and foremost it needs to be a place where you get your bulk calories/macros cheaper than the supermarket or at least comparable (obvs supermarkets loss lead on some stuff like bread you’ll never match).

    Also fuck me for this opinion but putting food on the table of some working class people and taking power back from supermarkets and giant farming conglomerates does more good than serving organic teas to the 50 wealthy people in the area that can afford them. Survive first, improve from a position of strength.

  • Anarchy just means without heirarchy. I only brought it up in passing that humans are actually pretty cool and it takes a lot for us to be violent and horrible. Like in societies with no central government people are usually pretty fine so the sort of lockeian “red in tooth and claw state of nature” argument as a defense of this shitty compromise governance apparently holding us back from chaos doesn’t actually stand.

    Cards on the table I am an anarchist, I think humans are broadly awesome and wonderful apes. I think we do bad stuff when faced with very non ape-compatible choices like whether to deploy militaries but most of those are only enabled by supressing our anarchic tendencies.

    When we have to resolve disputes like taking out the garbage, who’s round is it at the pub, should we support a school’s project etc we’re really cool and sensitive. It’s why I believe in proper democracy, even stuff like the mondragon corporation do so much better because of democracy.

  • I want some of whatever you’re on, this is incoherent. The gov system you’re defending can be fired by the GG or through a DD resolution. Mechanisms to fire governments are in all non totalitarian systems I’m aware of.

    Suppose you vote me in on my platform of not killing you, but surprise! I lied! you can’t hold me accountable for 3 (or 6!) years. That is obviously messed the fuck up, if you have no power to recall me I’m not representing you, I’m just someone who convinced you to give me some power for a while.

    why do you dream so small? why are you convinced that it’s this pathetic little dribble of political power or we murder each other in the streets. Fuck dude, anarchic societies are usually pretty peaceful even in the case of zero external government. Anthropologists have spilled a lot of ink on this.