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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Look up your printer model number on Alibaba. Or better yet, on Taobao (but if you don’t speak Chinese it’s a bit complicated). Your options depending on the printer you have are going to be :

    • Print heads conversion kits (a replacement of the complete print heads module with tubes feed from ink bottles attached outside your printer)
    • Refillable ink cartridges
    • Counterfeited Compatible ink cartridges that cost a fraction of the official ones while having 10 times more ink in them.

    Now depending on where you live and the local laws it may or may not be legal to import those. In the country I live in there is no law against it. In most South East Asia the law doesn’t care about that and if it does, law enforcement doesn’t. :)

  • Since I’ve moved in South East Asia, I have discovered that:

    • Almost every single printer that exists has a conversion kit available on Taobao to use big ink bottles
    • There’s not a single firmware that hasn’t been hacked, nor a single part that hasn’t been cloned
    • Therefore, most printer manufacturers have a specific line of durable products that allows the use of third party ink because if they don’t, other people will bank of their product maintenance and they won’t sell much.

    The only reason we in developped country get scammed like we are, is because of IP laws and governments that allow manufacturers to abuse them with no consequences at the expense of the customers (and the planet).

  • I’m pretty happy with Linux actually. I’ve used a few distros and DMs over the years and honestly we’re at a point in time where it’s pretty nice. A more user friendly and robust connectivity management would be nice, and a few of the file browsers could benefit from a UX revamp. DMs could also enforce stricter design choices by default to gently guide developers towards a consistent UI/UX. But overall it’s quite solid.

    The same can’t be said about most of the OSS that goes with it. Most of the apps available for Linux are garbage. I mean, they do some things well obvioulsy, but are overall terrible to use. With their crap UX and a UI stuck in the last century the only reason people use them is they have no other choice and are desperate…

  • Probably a mix up of sorts and the responsibility lies with the contractor that installed it. I don’t believe the Bored Apes crew organized everything themselves down to the lights, it’s not their job. They just paid a company to do it for them.

    Asia is much, much more serious than the West regarding sanitation, especially since COVID. UV door frames at the entrance of public transportation is a thing. Where I live, before entering a pharmacy during COVID I had to step in a pond of sanitizer, then was sprayed with the same, then had to wash my hands.

    I’m not surprised the contractor had a stockpile of UV tubes to be used specifically for sanitation purpose. Now, did they just confused them with regular black light tubes or did they use them on purpose, or a mix of the two? I guess there’s going to be an investigation to sort that out. Wouldn’t like to be them, the Hong Kong judicial system is not known for being lenient, quite the opposite.

  • Funny you say that, the French are I believe the only nation to have come up with an institution specifically tasked with regulating the French language : l’Académie Française.

    They have been around for almost 400 years, are rife with corruption, have produced a new version of the “official” dictionary every 50 years on average (and it’s not even a good one), a single grammar book that was so bad and full of ridiculous mistakes that the linguist community have been laughting at them continuously since then, and of the 40 members (for life) none has been a linguist since 1903. And although their enormous wealth has been subsidised by the taxpayers since its creation, the French governement has waited until 2015 to FINALLY require them to submit their accounting to the State accounting supervisor.

    So you are very right, the French have foreited their linguistic rights indeed…

    • Combien pour ma commande ?
    • Alooors… Une bavette de trois livres et deux-cent trois vingt et douze grammes… Ca fera deux-vingt et sept euros et deux-vingt et cinq centimes s’il vous plait.
    • Tenez, voici un billet de deux-vingt et dix tout neuf !
    • Et voici votre monnaie, deux-vingt et quinze centimes et un comprimé d’aspirine.
    • Merci bonne journée !
    • De même !

  • The other way around. We started with base 20 everywhere then simplified some of it.

    During medieval times it used to be :
    10 Dix (10)
    20 Vingt (20)
    30 Vingt et dix (20+10)
    40 Deux-vingt (2x20)
    50 Deux-vingt et dix (2x20+10)
    60 Trois-vingt (3x20)
    70 Trois-vingt et dix (3x20+10)
    80 Quatre-vingt (4x20)
    90 Quatre-vingt et dix (4x20+10)

    Then they switched to base 10… But only up to 70 for some reasons in France. Belgium and Switzerland (and some parts of France) have gone all the way to 100 by using Septante (70), Octante or Huitante (80) and Nonante (90).