Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • We used to do a variation of this as kids with parents that couldn’t afford much.

    A warm bun that was left in the summer sun all afternoon, several thick slices of frozen butter and a freshly steaming hot boiled hot dog and nothing else.

    We’d gobble down about two or three of these and run around all afternoon until dark without a care in the world.

  • Person dies and arrives in the afterlife in hevaen … it looks like heaven but everything is a little fucked up. All water is actually alcohol, drinking alcohol doesn’t get you drunk, hamburgers make you high, Hitler is dancing around with children, everything is edible, you can speak any language but you have a really high pitched voice, there’s a constant slight smell of urine everywhere and angels are obnoxious assholes.

  • The problems always boil down to money and power.

    Everyone wants to rule the world and think and believe that they can become masters of the universe.

    No one can … a few of us might be able to attain that possibility momentarily but it will never be possible to make it last.

    So the problem lies with money and wealth.

    Remove and outlaw excessive wealth. Go ahead become a millionaire with ten million, no one will stop you but you are no longer allowed to gain any more than that.

    Once excessive wealth is removed and more people are able to share wealth and power … then we can talk about world problems like adults … equal adults who have an equal chance at the benefits but also an equal share of the risks of failure.

    Right now, the few people holding the power have no risks and only stand to benefit, no matter what happens, so they have no incentive to change. The majority who have no power risk losing everything but have no power to change anything.

  • I’ve been on Linux for about 15 years now … I’m no pro and I’ve never really advanced in anything with the terminal

    I tried doing stuff years ago but then I came at a crossroad … either spend my life learning the dark arts of the terminal and all the details of how every major system works … reinstall every time I have a new problem that I caused … or just leave everything alone and never tweak or adjust anything.

    For the past few years, I just install the latest stable version of anything I use and never bother touching or tweaking anything … never had a problem since.

  • Thank God … I’ve been on Gimp and Scribus for the past 15 years, mainly because I could never afford Adobe products for the little bit of work I needed them for.

    I was open source a long time ago because I just couldn’t afford paying for stuff for the little time I needed software. Now I’m happy to be fully open source and even contribute with donations to the projects I like the most. I donate annually now to projects like Wikipedia, Libreoffice, Scribus and Fediverse developers and projects.

    This is one criticism I’ll always have with open source supporters … if you want open source alternatives, contribute with donations to them. Give anything you can afford … $1, $2, $10 … because they need money to survive and stay engaged and committed to their project.

    If we all just stand aside and take advantage of free open software and not give anything, then we are no better than the corporations we were trying to avoid. Instead of corporations taking advantage of us, we are taking advantage of developers.

    So if you want these open projects to live and survive, contribute to them with whatever you got. If we all just gave a dollar each to these projects, no matter what they are, the developers would have more than enough to maintain their work.

    And whatever you contribute, it will be far less than the hundreds of dollars annually you would have given to a big corporation that would have just counted your money as profit and not directly contribute or support the actual developers.

  • In that same vein of logic … they should name the Highway Construction Worker as our Provincial Animal at this point.

    If only we could come up with a new more modern way of transporting heavy goods … like mass transports … using only one giant powerful engine … with trailers of goods all tied together by the dozens … on a sturdy road … maybe made of iron … we could build these roads specifically just for these massive transports, separate from the public to keep people safe and save our roads from damage.

  • Whoops … wrong thread (I am rewording my original response to this)

    Trucks gained all importance because it meant it all consumed more oil and gas instead of saving energy by having trains. Why would corporations spend tens of thousands on fuel for a train pulling tons of material across the country when they could spend billions and billions of endless fuel on millions of transport trucks destroying roads made of oil and asphalt that have to be repaired on an annual basis?

  • I would join the same protest… but then later that week I’d join the next protest demanding they fix the road I just asked them not to work on.

    It’s frustrating in northern Ontario because the combination of cold winters and lots and lots of heavy transport trucks every day means that our roads are no good after about four years.

    Which means we only have two highway seasons …

    Winter Season and Construction Season