Yeah the “Not Always…” stories are entertaining but many of them, I have to suspend a lot of disbelief.
Can’t catch a break
Yeah the “Not Always…” stories are entertaining but many of them, I have to suspend a lot of disbelief.
I mean, I have no qualms with recognizing the US education system is garbage… It gives me more fire to try to improve it.
No way, me too
Childhood memor-knees
Yep, I have a successful career and had… Ehh ok grades and I graduated college and everything.
The problem was I was basically in overdrive all the time and miserable just to get everything done.
I finally got a diagnosis. It’s a lot easier than in the past. They tested me years ago and basically said I am very intelligent I’m just lazy.
Getting meds has been a challenge though. Not sure when that will happen for me…
I think my sweater is broken. My reindeer’s head looks like it’s melting.
Stanley is a brand that makes things like thermal mugs. They were quality and lasted for years, but weren’t designed with looks in mind. They were favored by tradespeople because they’re hard on stuff and it just works. (I knew them for thermal mugs that held coffee.)
For reasons unknown to me, influencers got a hold of Stanley mugs, with a straw and handle. They became very popular. The company now makes them in many different colors and some people decide to collect them.
I am the one who puts it off.
because ill-annoys him
It’s because he was a chicken.
Chip Chip chip Chip
But it’s drumstick shaped?
And yet it gets worse the more rural you get. I know a buddy that lives 10 miles outside of the closest town and they can get up to 3Mbps. I know it gets even worse in the boonies. At least my cell service isn’t terrible up there. It was pretty atrocious ~15 years ago.
Why deal with float when you can use a table?
When the compression algorithm goes too far
Thank you!
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Angry Birds 2: Revenge of the Pigs
The sequel was not as successful as Seuss’s first volume in the series, One First Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
It’s great to really stretch in the middle of my nature walks, and take it all in.
“he’s here…”