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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Non allies then. Or countries with goals in conflict with ours.

    Chines ancestry is not the same as being a Chinese citizen. They already check for many things, when assessing whether you are suitable for access to secrets. Sounds like it might be more tick the box than actual checks.

    My partner is in Defence. I know people of many nationalities that serve. I was surprised it was allowed, initially but it makes sense in the context of Australian people being born overseas commonly. I’m also Australian with dual citizenship. I would consider myself more if a risk than my kids, for instance. I wouldn’t betray Australia and love life here. However if my family were threatened that might change things. That’s not uncommon in China or Russia from my understanding.

  • As with all things, it will come down to how its used and the prompt.

    For instance, filler characters could have a built in plan tonger more abrasive and use shorter responses when engaged.

    The plot can still be set and the dialogue is used to advance that, however you choose to proceed.

    I’m sure some will be seamless and great. Others will be clunky. Its not the tool, but how its used. If generative AI is just used to make assets and dialogue instead of paying artists, it will be crappy. If artists use it to plan characters and plots that flow more freely but still allow engagement and sandbox, it’ll be awesome.

  • Lol, if you mean facebooks AI will skew more towards the views of American Facebook users, I’d say that’s a win for Europe. It will make the AI less valuable, creating a gap in the market for a better AI that can reflect European values or american or both.

    AI does not need infinite data. They can easily licence that amount of content. They are just trying to do it cheaply with user content.

    I gully expect use for AI training to become a standardized part of locencing for media and content going forwards. For a band or singer, or author, it may be they ibky get a small amoint for using their content but it won’t be stolen. There is minimal value in any one part of the content. There is value in the aggregate of lots of data.

    Digitized books out of copyright have more archaic language but I expect we will see lots of media out of copyright being used also. Media organization that make movies, TV shows and publish newspapers and magazines also have a trove of content.

  • I agree, but I think it is more complex than that. There are limits to free speech already. I agree that no one country should be able to censor others, but what about content that is illegally produced in that country.

    So if terrorist training videos were made in Australia, could banning them from distribution mean they could prosecute fitter for distributing them? How about csam? How about China prosecutes for ibfro about Tiananmen. What about CSAM?

    So objectively there are things some countries would want banned, but not all. Some that all might agree to ban. Classifying it might help but might that be more of an invasion of privacy? The web is built on lots of open protocols that assume good actors and no malicious intent. We are now adding protocols that increase privacy and security on top. Even something like the fediverse is a good example of the trade off between being public and being anonymous and being private. You can’t have it all.