me again

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • depends on the language and the compiler, pretty sure gcc without at least -O2 doesnt do tail call elimination(and still itll be slower than iteration), and rust didnt have it/low priority and when i was introducing myself to js it didnt have tco everywhere either. so just write in a way that is idiomatic to your language. in haskell recursion is encouraged, in part because it is guaranteed that it will be optimized by the compiler.

    regardless of the language if your recursive function is poorly designed, its going to result in stack overflow with sufficiently large inputs

  • emacs is close to that besides all the ctrl+ combinations being nonsensical. the actual reason either arent very popular is the steep initial curve and the fact that most people dont even care about editing text that much and also the delayed gratification for the amount of time it takes to get used to. but once ure used to vim u kinda want vim everywhere