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Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • areyouevenreal@lemmy.fmhy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIt's a choice
    1 year ago

    The only reason I drink so much is that everything else is so much worse.

    What do you mean? Alcohol is one of the harder and more addictive drugs you can do. Standard anti-deppressants aren’t nearly as bad and neither are many illicit substances like cannabis and ecstasy. There are a few that are worse (heroin, crack cocaine, maybe benzodiazepines) but I don’t think people would reach for these just to treat for anxiety.

    Edit: Even Ketamine is only roughly as bad and dangerous as alcohol while being much better at treating things like depression and anxiety. It’s regularly used now to treat these disorders in treatment resistant patients. A course of treatment can last up to one month after the last dose. It’s can also be effective within one hour of the first dose.

  • I have never heard if Tito or Tionism. How could I have argued about someone I have never heard of. Maybe I described his ideas without calling him by name?

    What SWCC? Any searches I ran came up with organisations not related to socialist politics.

    I think you might be right about socialist appeal. People have actually called them a cult before. It wouldn’t surprise me if they have turned people off marxism before. The issue is they are probably the best at recruiting young people, they were the only polticial organization to show up at my university for instance. They also have posters everywhere.

    Liberals? What do you mean by liberals? If you mean the American party then I don’t like them either, though they do beat the republicans. If you mean libertarian then all anarchists and even some marxists are libertarian. So are right wing capitalists and some people in between. It’s a very broad term that basically equates to freedom of speech and some other freedoms.

    I hope you don’t actually support Stalin though. From what I have been told what he wrote in his theory is somewhat reasonable, but dosen’t at all match what he actually did. The writing was mere propaganda. I have also spoken to people from ex-soviet countries, they basically all hate the USSR. It’s what caused a friend if mine to stop being a Marixst-Leninist.

    You are right that I haven’t read much theory. Theory is incredibly boring especially given it’s mostly in older English and hard to understand. Poltitics isn’t something I plan to do for a living - at least not any time soon.

    I have yet to see any evidence that marxism is a science. I also don’t believe modern capitalist economics is a science either. I have a very high bar for these things. When has marxism done controlled studies of different economic or polticial systems? If you have never done a controlled study then your not a science. Maybe there are some studies on this that I don’t know about. I would love if you could show me some.

  • I think anyone who supports Stalin and Stalinism is an idiot at best. If you don’t agree with me I really don’t know what to tell you. I can understand Jeremy Corbin saying that comparing him to hitler is unnecessary as they aren’t on the same level. Saying someone isn’t as bad as Hitler isn’t the same as saying you support them.

    Okay what do you think socialism is?

    As far as I am concerned it’s where the workers control the means of production. If the government controls the means of production that government needs to be controlled by the people or else it isn’t socialism!

    That’s why the USSR under Stalin can barley be called socialist, because Stalin had an outsized influence on the government. He could get you killed for disagreement with him.

    “Gravity is an old theory and we should accept that it is just something Newton came up with nearly 400 years ago and move on from it.” Clown shit.

    You’re really gonna argue physics with me?

    Newton had great ideas, just like Marx had great ideas. Newton’s equations though have largely been replaced by Einstein and his theory of relativity. It gives more precise understanding of the way forces and gravity work than Newton could dream of. Likewise Einstein was wrong about quantum physics and things like the behavior of light.

    In a science we don’t just sit on our laurels and blindly repeat past scientists. We constantly test, refine, improve, or reject old ideas.

    We should be treating Marx like we treat Newton or Einstein. Had some great ideas, some are still true, some are close but need further refinement, some are just straight up wrong. That’s the difference between an academic and a religious person.

  • What? I hate the right wing! The fuck is wrong with you?

    I want socialism, I just don’t support Leninists. I also think we need new ideas in the left wing rather than relying on people that died a 100 years ago. Reading Marx or Krapotkin is great but we can’t just rely on them, we need to accept that they are limited by the time they lived in. Plus who actually likes reading old English?

    I actually like the idea of market socialism and workplace democracy. It’s the closest thing to a real economic model for socialism I have seen. I believe anarcho-syndicalism is similar to this but I am not really sure, my understanding of anarchism is fairly limited.

    You really need to stop assuming that anyone who isn’t an ML is a right wing person. I also don’t get why you jump to random conclusions and misinterpret everything I say. It’s like you want me to fit in one of several boxes in your head because it’s easier to deal with that than actually talk to a real person.

  • It doesn’t increase the total amount of energy needed vs regular evs. It might lead to higher power drain at certain popular charging times though. It also gives us the technology to help with that in the form of better energy storage. It sounds like they have improved energy density of batteries considerably to fit that range into an EV. That’s something we will need in the energy grid going forward.

    It’s also possible to restrict charging rate during peak times to reduce load on the grid. There are other tricks that are possible as well including using connected vehicles not in use as additional energy storage for the grid.

    If you can get enough electricity for EVs in the first place then this technology would actually be helpful overall I think.

  • areyouevenreal@lemmy.fmhy.mltoTechnology@lemmy.worldhow to block meta from mastodon
    1 year ago

    You’ve completely misinterpreted half of what I said. I am not a Trotskyist! I left that group because it was all bullshit.

    That’s why I am against Leninists.

    I never said Anarchists died long ago. I am trying to say people like Marx, Krapotkin, and Bakunin died long ago.

    You didn’t actually answer my question about the demsocs above. Are they all tankies to you?

    Some of them aren’t relevant and the other half I have never heard of. So I am not gonna render and option there.

  • u have spent too much time in american anti-communist spaces where their brains are riddled with the historical legacy of two red scares, and you’ve spent absolutely zero time in British leftist spaces. You have riddled your mind with american brainworms against socialism and I implore you to join a union and actually go out and organise.


    Why on earth would you just assume something like that? That’s completely ridiculous.

    I actually became disillusioned from MLs partly by joining a Trotskyist organisation founded in England. Specifically Socialist Appeal which are part of the IMT.

    Note I originally said I dislike Lenin and people who came after that (mao, stalin, trotsky, etc.). This is because I have seen what they do to other Communists they disagree with, and what China still does to real Marxists and Anarchists. Lookup Kronstadt if you want an example.

    MLs only care about their specific subset of Marixst ideology and if you disagree you are imprisoned or killed. That’s not communism, that’s a cult!

    I would hope that people like Jeremy Corbin are just mislead on the behavior of some of these people, and aren’t up for a authoritarian “socialist” regime. Not that he is really relevant anymore anyway as I stated previously.

    As for Marx I actually think he said some intelligent things for his time. That being said like his descendants he is too sectarian. I also think anarchists have some interesting ideas. That being said they all died long ago. I don’t think it’s healthy or progressive to hang on their every word as absolute truth - that’s called religion. Religion should have no place in politics.

  • Tankie is anyone that supports Lenin or anything more authoritarian marxist than that.

    I didn’t vote for Corbyn, because I wasn’t old enough to vote at the time. (Was there even a general election at that time? I don’t remember). It’s a stupid question to ask given he hasn’t been the leader of the labour party for years at this point.

    I have never voted conservative. I think I voted green in the last election I voted in but don’t remember. Didn’t get to vote in the last local one as I was busy and forgot.

    I never did history GCSE and I don’t think most people did. You have to choose between that and other options like Geography so not everyone will be taught it.

  • areyouevenreal@lemmy.fmhy.mltoTechnology@lemmy.worldhow to block meta from mastodon
    1 year ago

    I didn’t read an article about it, I watched a YouTube video about it from a science and maths youtuber originally. You also didn’t elude to this in your first comment at all. I was actually going to reply to you telling you why it’s a bad concept once I learned it’s history.

    I also don’t get why your complaining to me about education. I don’t control what gets taught in the UK (my home country), I just work with what I have.

    I still don’t see how it applies to this situation in any way.

    Edit: also your username has Lenin in it. Are you a fucking tankie?