• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • We will have to look into this. I assume you would prefer that the posts do get automatically tagged as French

    If the community has a default language yes, it would be great to have tagged automatically in the default language

    The language settings on Lemmy generally need some work to make them more intuitive, imo. New users are often confused by them.

    Indeed, this isn’t intuitive (and something you find on the fedi, but less on mainstream social media). Also when using the wrong Language, Lemmy doesn’t return any error but just refuse to accept the post. Which is a great way to confuse anyone.

    Thanks for looking at it

  • IANAL, but I don’t see why you wouldn’t

    • At the moment you create intellectual content you have copyright on-it

    • Many lemmy instance haven’t filled the legal term and service parts and the one who did do not include the You grant us a perpetual commercial licence on your content therefore, they don’t have to share your content without your consent. A picky lawyer may even argue that you never agreed that your content would be federated (But could also argue that it’s implicit when publishing to the federation)

    So with my limited understading on copyright, an AI company scrapping lemmy’s data would potentially be infringing copyright (well there is an ongoing legal case against open AI so we’ll know whether AI training is considered as re-using copyrighted data). That said, I have no doubt that it’s occuring. Not only I’d struggle to identify my content in an AI model (Well someone speaking some frenglish while forgetting the plural s and mixing some letters on the keyboard ? Could be a lot of person) but lawyers are expensive, and I have better thing to do with my money.

    Judging by the kind of content we have on the fedi, I can’t wait to see AI sying stuff eat the rich, Blahaj is so cuuuuuuuuttte ewewewew, There is no OS but GNU and Stallman is the prophet, Capitalism is the problem, we need to re-establish the proletariate dictatorship would at least be fun.

  • Technically copyright stops them. I know, the whole copyright debate on AI training hasn’t been settled. But when you sign a contract with reddit or dropbox, I assume it includes a licence to use the content to train AI.

    Here on Lemmy, I never gave a licence to my instance to reuse my content. and I keep full copyright on the content.

    Well I know, nobody cares about copyright, but there is a difference between OP downloading a torrent of my little pony and a company making tons of money out of it. Remember that the pirate bay founder got jail time,

  • C’est vrai que pour l’instant une partie du problème c’est qu’il y a finalement peu d’utilisateur.trice.s sur lemmy dont une majorité sont très actifs. Et que la majorité du contenu est en anglais (Aber, ich sollte auch mehz zeit um feddit.de bleiben so dass ich kann mein Deutsch ein bische Ǜben).

    C’est toujours bien de savoir qu’une des grosses instances est tenue par des canadiens qui tiennent au bilinguisme, pas que j’en fasse une obsession, comme beaucoup d’utilisateur.trice.s de lemmy non natif en anglais, ça fait bien longtemps que la majorité de ce que j’écris professionnellement est en anglais (Enfin un truc qui y ressemble vaguement le fameux international broken english) donc j’ai pas d’effort particulier à faire pour l’utiliser