News Junkie
Sports Fan
Military Veteran (Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Odyssey Dawn)
Advocate for the Alliance for Peacebuilding
Minnesota doesn’t have toes anymore
It isn’t just on promoted posts, the admins regularly inflate the upvote count and use bor accounts to make the site appear busier than it really is.
Reddit boosts up votes so it appears more popular than it actually is.
Downvoting has far less meaning on lemmy so there are far less downvotes.
My popup blocker works on streaming so no commercials there.
Cable shifted to low information viewers across the board decades ago. Dumb people watch commercials I guess.
The link goes to a site that has links, so nothing to worry about.
Some links are better than others.
Millennial problems
My primary job was a logistics account, but that meant I had to inventory high value items at Forward Operating Bases in Iraq and Afghanistan and I drove in a few convoys, only once anything significant happened.
Not everyone is willing to be a public servant. Of all the things from Starship Troopers, that is something I liked. I’m a fan of granting a free college education to public servants, military or govt employees after four years of service.
Citizenship isn’t a perk of military service in the United States, you don’t have to be a citizen to serve but you still earn the benefits.
Generally speaking, a military career is the best means of advancement in social class for Americans. You’ll easily move up the middle class and likely upper middle class or upper class depending on time served.
Lowest common denominator
I see this stuff daily in my city. It’s accurate.
Nope, ignorance is bliss. They literally don’t know anything about anything. They just assume everything they believe is the truth.
It should be pointed out that the vast majority of the military are in support career fields, not combat units. Also, the GI Bill absolutely makes it worth it.
Is this from 1996?
Because few break the conditioning imposed upon them to act. Those that do rarely are able to unite others.
The magnets are not pulling it forward.