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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2024


  • If they’re like some of my family, they see the lived-in familiarity of their youth as “quirky” in contrast to the unfamiliarity of today’s youth which is “bizarre”. They eased into the bizareness of being a child over time, whereas they are getting dropped in the deep end when they encounter children now.

    It’s all silly. Everyone is quirky and weird on some level. Some are just more open and honest about it than others and successive generations have been pushing more to be themselves.

  • This is further proof that for every statement made, no matter how whimsical, there exists at least one person online who will tell you that you’re wrong.

    -The Earth revolves around the sun.
    -Ackchyually, they all revolve around the galactic center…

    -Godzilla floats by increasing his volume.
    -Ackchyualllllly, his volume doesn’t increase because lungs are on the outside… (Wtf?!)

    -Cotton candy is my favorite fair food.
    -Ackkkkkkchyualllllllllly, my review of the last three years of your comment history proves your favorite fair food is not, in fact, cotton candy. I have gathered and will prove this with ten points. Point one: your childhood experience with Geoffrey the Giraffe suggests…