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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Yeah he was borderlining on messiah-ish but I think given Tolkien’s distaste for allegories, he didn’t want to make any character too messianic.

    My reading of Aragorn is not of a messianic figure, but more of an example of what a true leader should strive towards. He left no one behind, " we will not abandon merry and pippin to torment and death." He knew when things were beyond him, parting ways with Frodo, knowing he would eventually be a risk to Frodo. Most of all, putting his kingship for the betterment of the people.

    I think it resonates even louder for me now because of the current geo-political situation.

  • No worries. I appreciate you coming back to reiterate and elaborate on your thoughts. And having a civil discourse on Tolkien.

    I just want to add on some details about Aragorn for those coming to know more.

    That whilst he did intend to reclaim the throne, the way he went about it was about as noble and selflessly as possible. He didn’t do it by conquering or by force. He did it by proving he was worthy of being king. He rescued Gondor from certain destruction. He healed people " the hands of the king are the hands of a healer. " Then when he finally does reclaim it, he ruled in a way basically the opposite of the last millennium of rulership. And worked to undo a thousand years or more of gradual decay.

    “Kings made tombs more splendid than the houses of the living and counted the names of their descent dearer than the names of their sons.”

  • Excuse me? Doing it for honor and valor?

    They were doing it to save middle earth from a tyrant who would have enslaved everyone under his rule.

    That was one of Tolkien’s concepts, that a king should protect his people and lead by example. There is no battle in which Aragorn didn’t lead from the front.

    The 4th age was one of peace and prosperity. Please share the source for the peoples of middle earth living in squalor.