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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • limitation of lens physics

    Hi Margot, that’s an interesting observation. Those kind of artifacts have been associated with the big screen for so long that they keep persisting in the public consciousness, even though digital production is now the norm. I think we forget sometimes that these were not stylistic choices but the result of the limitations of film equipment. Nostalgia can be a weird intoxicating thing, I wonder if we’ll ever feel the same way about AM radio?

    Oh, and I’m sorry to do the “akshually” thing, but adjusts glasses some directors have been known to shine flashlights into the camera while filming to create intentional lens flare effects. So, like, it does happen in the film industry too. Sorry, wasn’t going for a “gotcha” moment… I akshually did have to adjust my glasses just now and felt obligated.

  • It is a shame that The Silent Generation were not able to pass on their knowledge and experience to the current batch of misguided Millennials, Gen Y, Gen X and boomers

    They would have, but the Silent Generation (born between 1928-1945), born and raised in a period of extreme mass unemployment, starvation, and death in the form of the Great Depression (1929-1939) followed immediately by World War II (1939-1945), took out their trauma on their Boomer offspring, so any lessons or messages they might have been trying to convey were lost in the cacophony of abuse. Keep in mind their parents, the so-called “Greatest Generation” (1901-1924), also survived the Great War (1914-1918) prior to that and already had a really warped view of the world. That’s a lot of generational trauma heaped onto the Boomers, both directly and indirectly.

    Those fuckin Boomer kids suffered through some pretty horrific abuse; they never stood a chance, man. It wasn’t at all acceptable to talk about mental issues or even entertain the idea of asking for help (a norm established by their Silent Gen parents), so as they grew up they just buried that shit and went into eternal denial mode. Worse, they reinforced their fucked up worldviews by abusing their own kids, the Gen Xers and Millennials, who in turn passed on that same generational trauma to…sigh, you get my point. I mean, each generation does seem to get a little better at shedding that old toxic “stop complaining / fuck you, I got mine” mindset, but it’s a slow process. Look at how far-reaching that shit is, FFS. That “Greatest Trauma” period was a hundred years ago, and we’re still suffering from the effects.

    TL;DR they were incapable because trauma

  • Leave Hexbear users to their spaces.

    Normally I’d be inclined to agree, but the problem is they don’t stay in those spaces; they regularly invade other instances en masse, harass its community members and pollute it with pro-Russia & China propaganda and genocide denial, then feign innocence and use their high percentage of LGBTQ+ users as a shield. It’s really fucked up, and it’s happening in all the major instances in the 'verse. I mean, you’re right, they’re not gonna mesh and aren’t meshing well with other instances, but that’s solely because they go to other instances and deliberately start shit. We are leaving them to their spaces; they just aren’t reciprocating.

  • I can’t imagine how it would feel knowing that your embarrassing moments and otherwise private matters were shared with millions of people online. Mortifying wouldn’t even begin to begin to cover it.

    I would feel violated, that’s for sure. Exploiting your kids like that is gross and fucked up. Just because children lack agency doesn’t mean they don’t or shouldn’t have rights. Society needs to rid itself of the idea that authority figures “own” those who are subordinate or under their care or guardianship. It’s a disgusting, antiquated mentality that has no place in modern society. Humanity needs to grow the fuck up.