A frog who wants the objective truth about anything and everything.

Admin of SLRPNK.net

XMPP: prodigalfrog@slrpnk.net

Matrix: @prodigalfrog:matrix.org

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • ProdigalFrog@slrpnk.nettoTechnology@lemmy.mlThe Future of Odysee
    5 days ago

    In the comments of that second link you provided, someone made a salient point:

    At the end of the day, it all comes down to content residing on someones hard drive. That will cost, either directly through cloud services, or indirectly by decentralized storage like the libry app where users donate their disk space and bandwidth. It is not clear to me how the new system works, and who carries the cost?

    Odysee’s response was this link, which another commenter then pointed out:

    I love how Arweaves biggest flaw (bandwidth) is only mentioned as a cliff note “Notably absent from Arweave’s formulation of the Kryder+ rate are bandwidth costs. Arweave covers this using a separate set of karma-based incentives – see here.” And the article linked just dodges the actual question at hand by throwing an empty promise to incentivize people to give their bandwidth for “karma”

    So Arweave is literally just Peertube with another brand new crypto on the backend to incentivize people to start using it and ultimately ‘sell’ their hard-drives to the blockchain to be used to host the video content. Otherwise, you need to pay to ‘permanently’ store your content on the blockchain for a baked in 200 years worth of storage time (so, I imagine that will be rather high).

    It should also be noted that in the FAQ regarding what will happen to LBRY Coins once this new crypto replaces it, they simply say “It’ll still be yours to do with as you please!”, I.E, this shit is worthless now since nothing will use it, but hey, it’s your shit, and that counts for something!

    Again, I would highly recommend viewing Folding Ideas video on the subject if you haven’t yet. This is ultimately going to be another thing that makes the creators a tremendous amount of money, but will ultimately crash and burn for everyone else.

  • ProdigalFrog@slrpnk.nettoTechnology@lemmy.mlThe Future of Odysee
    5 days ago

    So they were bought by Forward Research.


    Foward Research is a crypto blockchain company that owns Arweave, which as far as I can tell is trying to incorporate crypto into a cloud data storage service. It’s all very vague, but that’s what I sussed out.

    I wasn’t aware that odysse was originally a crypto video sharing platform, I thought it operated more like YouTube.

    Forward Research also bought solarplex, which they boast as having sold “over 120,000 NFTs”, which tells me all I need to know about their intentions.

    I’d steer way clear of this, nothing good can come of it, and if you have any doubts, watch Folding Ideas NFT video.

    Stick with Peertube.

  • Using the word “free” to refer to proprietary games in a GNU/Linux context is a huge indicator of a lack of awareness.

    If I’d intended to create a FOSS only list, I would’ve just said FOSS instead of free. I think it’s a little much to expect people to always qualify ‘Free as in beer’ anytime they ever use the word free in a monetary sense in a Linux community. The information needed to determine if a game is FOSS was provided next to each title, it’s not like you’ve been deceived. This was just a little list I put together in hopes to give people who are struggling financially (as many of us are these days) to have more options for fun games they can play with their friends or by themselves, I’m sorry it didn’t meet your standards. 🫤

    FYI, the page you linked to isn’t publicly accessible.

    I was able to add the list in the body of the lemmy post, the link is no longer required, but unfortunately it’s not federating my action of having removed the post link.

  • Back when I created this list, I had the mindset that if I did include a game with the a Free to Play monetary model, it would only be eligible if it was absolutely not Pay to Win, and if it was possible to have a lot of fun without and be on a fully equal playing field spending a dime.

    Looking over the list again, I think you’re right in that a couple titles (runescape, eledivin, and argueably EVE online) really don’t meet that criteria.

    However, I think others such as CS:GO, TF2, and War Thunder still deserve a spot on the list, as you’re still experiencing the full game with no disadvantage without spending anything.

    But I will remove those titles and put Free To Play in the description of the others.

  • Mind you, I’m 100% okay with using penultimate to mean second best,

    That was my intended use of the word, but I’m not ashamed to admit that I fully misread the little info blurb in my search engine, which led me to believe I was using it appropriately 😅

    I thought it said: a formal or literary way of saying it is not a superlative or beyond ultimate, as many people think.

    …I didn’t notice the period after ‘it’ (or the double ‘it’). But the sentence right after that one is really the pièce de résistance! 🤌

    But I very much appreciate your charitable view on my fumble.