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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • That would be awesome, currently it’s 500GB for their cheaper option which starts at 23/year. I didn’t find an option to increase the bandwidth before completing the order. Also it needs to be deployed in NY (which would be possibly slow for me in Europe). Finally their isos are somewhat old, the latest Ubuntu they have is 20.04 (which has an EoL next year).

    All that being said, 23/year is very cheap for a VPS, and for people in the US that use less than 500GB/month that’s the best deal I’ve ever seen.

  • The mouse is Logitech, which afaik doesn’t have any issues (at least all of my Logitech mice have always just worked).

    The drivers can impact performance worse on some games and cause glitches in others. I remember a while back getting some texture issues on Nvidia but not on nouveau (even though the performance was worse).

  • First of all nothing to apologize, no one should be forcing anyone to use any OS.

    Secondly, you shouldn’t start with Arch, it’s a very manual process that has several small things that can be done wrong. I recommend you try Mint, Pop or any other beginner friendly distro, you can still tinker and customize them as much as you want, but you will be starting from something that works instead of having to build a working system from the ground up without knowing what that looks like.

  • That’s exactly the reason you shouldn’t recommend Arch for new users. New users, even those who like to tinker, don’t want to read pages upon pages of wikis to get basic shit working. They want something that works that they can tinker with.

    90% sure OP installed the wrong drivers, probably because he missed some note on which to install or a configuration to switch them. Also very likely the mouse issue is related to some random udev rule or package he installed trying to solve something, Logitech mouses just work out of the box.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love Arch, have been using it as my main distro for over 15 years, but it’s definitely NOT for new users, even those who like to tinker with their system, Ubuntu is just as tinkerable, but Arch you need to build up. Imagine someone saying they are interested in decorating their home and you recommend them to build their house from scratch while having nowhere to live. This is why it’s important that new users have a comfortable place they can go back if things don’t work, and if you don’t give it to them they’ll obviously return to Windows.

  • Linux at work and Linux for gaming are two very different beasts. For example, you didn’t mention which drivers and DE (or WM) you’re using which are the most crucial part to how games run, and both of which need to be manually configured on Arch but come pre-configured or are a couple clicks away in other distros.

  • One thing to note though is that SteamOS is immutable, i.e. / is blocked for writes by default, you can only write to /home, so you need to install things via flatpaks not via package manager. So not ideal for a power user, but should be enough for most people.

    I disagree that Arch guys are the guy who tunes up everything, I think that would be Gentoo. I think Arch guys are the equivalent of the guy that built his own PC, it’s not an impressive feat (even though some act as if they were superiors for doing it) and probably lots of the people who buy prebuilts can do it, they chose not to bother assembling things if they can get someone to do it for them. The reason I think this is because I use Arch for the same reason I built my PC, i.e. I’m lazy and want something that might be a slight hoccup to setup but will be a breeze to maintain, it might be a Frankenstein, but it’s the Frankenstein I built and know.

  • AMD no doubt. Back in 2017 AMD had recently open sourced their drivers I was in the market for a GPU, but you know the saying “fool me once shame on you”, AMD used to SUCK on Linux, people always seem to forget about it, so I chose an Nvidia. I don’t regret my choice, but over the years AMD proved that it had really changed, so my new GPU now is an AMD, and the experience is just so much better.

    Today it might be a turning point, maybe Nvidia will change, maybe they’ll change their mind and fuck It up, they’ve done it in the past, so I wouldn’t buy an Nvidia just in case they do the right thing for once, AMD is already doing the right thing for years. Also if you go with Nvidia forget about Wayland, and every day more and more distros are going Wayland only, so if you go Nvidia you might find yourself holding a very expensive paperweight in a few years.

  • Are you versed in Linux though? If not I think going with Mint or another beginner friendly distro would be better.

    That being said, if you are comfortable enough around Linux Arch is great, and the meme about being difficult probably stems from people who have no idea what they’re doing trying to install it. The installation is the most difficult party if you can spin up a VM and successfully install and run it there you’re good to go.

    On the long run though I prefer Arch exactly because I’m lazy. Yes, installing it is a bit tedious, but if you know what you’re doing it’s 30 min of tedious stuff, then you get access to the lazy motherload, i.e. the Arch User Repository (the AUR essentially contains 99% of every software you might want to install but is not on the official repositories, so no looking for PPAs or downloading installers from random websites ever again), plus it’s a rolling release distro, so no more reinstallations or version upgrades that need lots of attention.

    Overall I use Arch because I’m lazy, but you need to be comfortable around Linux for you to be able to be Lazy using Arch.