When I started this company, I had only two things - a dream, and six million pounds
In the UK you can’t even buy that many at once 😆 without a prescription at least - paracetamol and ibuprofen are usually 16 per pack and they don’t let you buy more than one of each
In that picture? It’s a bee, contemplating leaping from the edge and ending it all after reading that article
“Jean-Luc, what have you done?”
First baby in space yeah, it was a post-Soviet prestige thing
Random thought that I, a fellow 33’er, had yesterday - Sputnik was launched in 1957, 34 years before I was, I’m almost as old as the space age was when I was born
We all have a bean hall in our houses, building regs say you have to
A man did this in London in 1810, but with everything - chimney sweeps, piano deliveries, priests, lawyers, coal carts, doctors, undertakers, the archbishop of Canterbury…
It brought the whole area to a standstill and the guy won a guinea in a bet and ran away to the countryside
A fire? At a sea parks?
Nah I’ve got something similar - not exactly like this but the glass tube with heat exchanging mesh and space underneath for a burner is pretty distinctive - then searched “Stirling engine heart arrow” and tons of these came up
It’s a mini Stirling hot air engine, never seen one that shape before but here’s a video of one working
Anybody else seeing Eric Idle?
Getting a bit “Nautilus from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” vibes
Such a threatening energy, I love it