Grail (capitalised)

They/Them, capitalised

Writer of the most popular Soulist Manifesto and the article about how John Wick is communist. Read My blog:

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023


  • I mentioned trans people because I am trans. And because the very first Nazi book burning was of the texts from the Institute of Sex Research which concerned practices for trans healthcare. Attacking trans women was a high priority item on the Nazi agenda. And I paid attention to it, because all My articles are written from a trans perspective. People like Me have been speaking from trans perspectives for a hundred thousand years. If you have not seen discussion of trans people until recently, it is because until recently we have been silenced. I am not some cisgender person pushing a political agenda (What agenda???), I’m a person living My own truth and speaking to that truth. It’s clear you have a problem with that. Perhaps it would serve you better not to explain what your problem with talking about people like Me is.

  • The reply contains only 12 of My own words. The rest is links and direct quotes. Information that already exists out there, and some of it has existed for a long, long time. I’ve grown frustrated with the continued state of affairs after a hundred years of people ignoring these criticisms. I have become aggressive and impatient. I don’t think I could write something in My own words which approaches these issues without rage, without removing all that is unique in My interpretation of events. If you think a better article can be written, I invite you to write it.

  • There were Australians at the time who supported their brothers. They said, “stay home.” And there were also Australians at the time who said “Let’s go kill people in the name of honour”, and who encouraged their brothers to a miserable death. Australia never conscripted for World War One. Everyone who died in those trenches chose to be there. Everyone who died in those trenches was a killer. Everyone who died in those trenches after telling his mates to enlist was a killer of his brothers.

  • The moment that we allow the present day armed forces to participate in the ANZAC day parade, what intent you claim was once there is lost. You cannot say that war is bad, and that we should not have soldiers sailing to foreign lands to kill people, and at the same time permit the minions of Dictator Charles to parade around in their dress uniforms. Many of those soldiers marching today participated in the forever war in the middle east. They did not learn their lesson from Gallipoli. All those ANZAC day parades, year after year, and they did not learn. They will never learn so long as the present day military is permitted at ANZAC day, glorifying the violent institution that they inherently are. That very vocal section who glorifies death and violence are the same people organising, participating in, and attending the parades. Anyone who learned their lesson either stayed home today, or protested.

  • For the last 500 years, “harmony” meant everyone does things the way white people do it. It meant bringing the monarchy to Australia, binary gender to Thailand, slavery to America, christianity to Colombia, oil rigs to the middle east, and a lot of other bad stuff. I think it was better to have a lot of different consensus realities across the world, instead of one homophobic capitalist christian white supremacist consensus reality.

    The modern phenomenon of conspiracy theories and echo chambers is just a symptom of consensus reality breaking down as it fails to meet everyone’s needs, and they look elsewhere. It’s an unstable, dangerous state, brought on by unstable, dangerous consensus reality. It wouldn’t have got this bad if it weren’t for the genocide of indigenous realities.

  • More realities is better. Or ideally we would do away with the concept of reality altogether and just have unreal worlds.

    If you’re uncomfortable with people being in different realities you just have to practice planeswalking more. It’s not hard. Diversity is good actually. Letting Capital have absolute control over the means of reality is bad.

  • The comment under the article claims that Discord’s suggestion of having language rules is a term of service. The one thing it’s based on is false. Just like your comment saying I’m on a two year (false) crusade (false). As I wrote in the previous article, I didn’t even think I knew Interstellar until they banned me for being antiracist a year ago. An event so unremarkable I forgot it immediately. There’s been no harassment of any kind either. What there has been is racist attempts by white supremacists to suppress australian languages in australian online communities. Since you ignored the point of the article and said it’s okay to silence indigenous languages if you have an excuse for doing it, I’m going to assume you either didn’t bother to read the article, or are Spark’s alt account.