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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Excuse me??? If not the manufacturer then who? The government???

    The walled garden absolutely should not be destroyed because it’s owned by a private company and they see said walled garden as a way to protect their users from scams that plague many android stores.

    The compute devices are not bound the whims and fancies of the manufacturer at all, the software made available on the company’s own servers are what is bound to their whims, and rightly so because it’s THEIRS and they’re a PRIVATE COMPANY.

    You cannot simply force a company to do what you want simply because you don’t like what they do not allow on their own private store.

    Do you think we should force every other goddamn store in America to sell whatever the gov says they should? Or maybe we should leave that to those that own the store.

    You’re not forced to use that store, if you don’t like it fuck off.

    “Walled garden needs to be destroyed” you’re advocating for a fascist takeover, Apple can remove literally anything they want because it’s their fucking goddamn store. That fact does not mean the “walled garden” should be destroyed, Jesus fucking Christ. Who upvotes these literal brain dead comments

  • Every youtube reviewer’s goal is to be popular enough to be a paid shill. It’s money they’re after, not your praises.


    There are lot of shills and a lot of sock-puppets that prop them up.

    Prop them up? Occam’s razor would imply that it is more-so people following trends than it is apple paying shills to get in the trenches and push lies.

    they just have same pattern.

    Why this isn’t obvious is just idk.

    if it’s so obvious, surely you can provide some tangible proof? Like I’m confident apple and every other company does this but the way you framed this take it seems to imply that is the main driver and the majority of positive sentiment is just bots or scripts, which is just absurd.

    You think Apple is paying all the kids to clown on non-imessage bubble colors? Or is it more reasonable that there is something closer to a hive-mind in regards to what is trendy and popular/a status symbol?