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Joined 22 days ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2024


  • Lot to touch on here. Not going to get to all of it. First off most people do cheat according to an overwhelming majority of surveys done over the years. That’s not including those who lie on those surveys.

    Secondly the point is when normal people cheat, it doesn’t get blasted/they don’t get blasted by anyone outside of people related to them or their situation. As it should be.

    Thirdly and finally, the entire point, since you seemed to miss it entirely, was that this is tabloid shit. People should have better things to talk about than which celebrity cheated, especially since the future of our nation is potentially in jeopardy, and a debate related to that future just occurred. But by all means spend your time making a big deal about Dave cheating.

    And as for making the announcement himself? That’s him owning it as far as I’m concerned. Which is what I did when I made that mistake. Doesn’t give people the right to talk down on him for a mistake literally half the world makes once or more in their lives.

  • Who cares 🙄 he made a single mistake in all his years as one of the most popular people on the planet in a profession rampant with people drugging cheating whoring and partying.

    Hardly say this counts as media.

    Can’t imagine if I had a spotlight on every mistake I’ve ever made lol

    I’ll add an edit to say I’m not downplaying how wrong cheating is. I’ve cheated one time - almost had sex with a girl, left before penetration, called my then girlfriend and told on myself. Said she needed time to think, took the night to talk to her friends about it, we moved on. Eventually broke up for unrelated reasons. Never done it again. I was 20 at the time maybe? 35 now.

    I’m not saying what he did wasnt wrong Im saying it’s not media because it’s not anyone else’s business. This is tabloid shit 🙄