• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Your notion is just wrong. First of all engineers can’t push back on something like this. They can try to push back on stuff that might be wrong for the product, that is not performant or potentially break stuff, but not on something that can make the company so much money. If this is the roadmap, they must align, they are being paid (tons of money) to implement the company’s vision.

    Second of all, you are looking at this as a consumer perspective. They are part of the company and most likely heavily invested in it. And if such thing will increase the company’s revenue, it will icrease theirs too. They won’t feel bad trust me, they know where they are and what they’re doing.

  • I generally don’t like meta episodes like the jokes in the show reflects on the real cast and writers. The self awerness usually ruin it for me. R&M did it well with the train episode, but I didn’t like it too much here. Not only that, the entire advertising if Hulu was a bit much.

    I mean the idea is great, they tried to tell us, the audience, that times are changed and the world have changed with all the pc, me too, gender awerness, etc. And showed even a bit of concern. Also that they laugh at themselves with all the reboots and breaks. But I just didn’t like how it was served. I wish it was an interview and not an episode (they laughed about that as well with the "that’s too smart joke) and just write an episode like the know, without being afraid of all the pc and do on.

    It wasn’t bad I still enjoyed it, but as I said it felt to meta and self aware for my taste.

    Any one feels the same?

  • I started using bitwarden half a year ago and this is what I did. But once again moved, I Figured it worth nothing if I have weak and shared passwords across apps and sites. so eagrly I changed all the password on accounts that hold my financing details (bank, google, PayPal, etc…) and then lazily, every time I had to go to a site like lemmy for instance I changed it on the way