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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I dunno, with Healthcare the larger the organization the more serious they take it. A small practice may basically ignore it but by the time you get to be the size of UMC, the Hospital named in the article, they’re typically spending many millions of dollars annually on CyberSecurity.

    The problem is that they’re stuck playing defense. They have to get it right every time but the attackers only have to get lucky once. They could successfully repel 10,000 attempts Monday through Saturday but then on Sunday they only repel 9,999 'cuz Bored Bob the maintenance guy clicked a new zero-day in their email and now they’re in the news.

  • The best way to do this would be to use data from 2023 (as the infographic claims) and NOT data from the years 2000 through 2022. It would also be helpful if the source wasn’t a right-biased US based organization whose stated goal is de-regulation of the Medical Industry.

    They could also do their reports using established methodology instead of creating their own, base it on first sources instead of literature review, and maybe they could avoid biased sources while they were at it.

    Seriously, I tore into the data and sourcing and it’s simply awful. The base report isn’t really even about wait times, it’s about increasing efficiency (and thus profitability) through using telehealth, blister packs, and OTC contraceptives.

  • Firewire was good for high bandwidth devices like external hard drives and video cameras because it didn’t require the CPU to do any heavy lifting. These days USB is mature enough and CPUs are so fast that we (mostly) don’t notice any performance impact but in the Core 2 Duo days you could easily max out one of your two cores with a large file transfer over USB.

  • Edit: if you are going to downvote at least explain if you got a counter point, otherwise it seems y’all just butthurt haha


    How is this different from US ISP bootstrapping peasant grade internet?

    1. Whatabout-ism is annoying AF.
    2. How is nationwide re-configuring of DNS to enable censorship different than “bootstrapping peasant grade internet” is a dumb question on it’s face.
    3. I’m sitting in the middle of Wyoming sending this comment via a 2Gb/s fiber optic connection. This is not “peasant grade”.

    So basically you are getting downvoted because your comment is irrelevant 'Murica bashing.

    Now you know.

  • Can’t you simply not connect your display to the Internet

    Probably, but maybe not. I can think of three ways a Smart TV could potentially get internet access without the owners knowledge.

    1. Amazon Sidewalk
    2. The TV Manufacturer cuts a deal to access the closed WiFi network that many cable operators have on their cable modems or routers.
    3. Via the manufacturers app installed on a smart phone. They often use the app to make setup easier and / or to cast content. There’s no reason the TV can’t log data until the app connects and then use the app to transmit that data to the manufacturer.

    So while the owner could choose not to give their Smart TV a wifi connection that doesn’t mean the TV can’t get one another way.