I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • EMDR is a therapy for PTSD. Anecdotally, people have reported that when going through it, they get flashbacks as their body processes the traumatic events. Basically, despite being well aware that the traumatic event is not occurring in the moment, their body is reacting exactly as if it were. Therefore, while going through EMDR, the person rides the flashback until the body burns out the memory and learns that the reaction is not necessary or helpful.

    Burning in my brain. I can feel the flames.

    trauma trigger warning

    That’s actually from the lyrics of the song Ride the Lightning by Metallica. The song is about a person that committed a crime and is sentenced to death via the electric chair. The association here is that cognitively, PTSD is kept in place by the guilt of the person for their belief that they somehow caused the traumatic event. For example, a person that was hit by a car that ran a red light, may blame themselves for not being more vigilant through intersections since they were aware that cars sometimes run the light. As another example, a person that was SA’d may think that they should have never agreed to be alone with the assailant, said no more strongly, or fought them off harder. Complicating things further, they may feel that they wanted to be SA’d because their body felt pleasure from the sexual stimulation despite not wanting the experience to begin with, then continued a relationship with the perpetrator to make it “okay”. But, the body remembers. Since they feel guilty, the punishment is deserved.

    The burning in the brain in the song is from the electricity. The burning in the brain from the meme is the overwhelming thoughts and beliefs ruminating constantly. The feeling of flames in the song is from the electricity running through the person. The feeling of flames in the meme are from the flashback of the body re-experiencing the memory as if were occurring again.

  • Because Ubuntu sucks! 👎 Here’s a list of why:

    • Snaps = 👹

    • Ads in start menu (they did this before Winblows!)

    • Unity is sooo fucking slow and stupid. That dumbass bar of most used apps always present taking up screen space 🙉

    • Canonical doesn’t give a shit what users want🖕

    But the most important part is that I really don’t care. I don’t use your computer. You do. So use whatever the 🔥hell🔥 you want. Use a version of Winblows 🪟 themed to look like Arch 🤭, wallpaper and all👌, then post screenshots on the Internet about your superiority 💪.

    Live how you want! And if someone shames you for it, kick them out of you life 😎

  • I used to think the same thing. How did only one person get shot? Why didn’t they shoot a few people outside of the Capitol and end the whole thing? As soon as a few people would have been shot, the vast majority of those insurrectionists would have ran, right? It’s basically what happened with Babbitt.

    After watching a few documentaries, I think there were two reasons. One, the whole thing wasn’t a fluke. It didn’t happen by accident. People didn’t just get riled up. That whole thing was a legit planned and executed attempt by POTUS et al. to conduct a true insurrection while making it seem grassroots. The whole point was to let the crowd get as far as possible to intimidate the certification into caving to Trump. Because of this, they were ordered to not engage with lethal means. Two, they didn’t have the manpower because they were purposely handicapped. Had they opened fire, the wackos with legit firepower in the crowd would have fired back. This thing was a lot more violent than the news reported. There were situations in which officers went in knowing they might die. And in the moment, you don’t have the benefit of hindsight. This could have been a lot worse. The restraint they used was impressive. Now, I’m impressed with how well the Capitol Police handled that insurrection. I think there were officers there that day that history will hold as heroes.

    Anyway, yeah, part of why it was so “compassionate” from the police was that the insurrectionists were White. But, they were ordered not to open fire by the same people that would benefit from the insurrection. And, they were handicapped and could have been overran had they opened fire. The fact that the police still prevented the insurrection is a testament to their professionalism and patriotism.