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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • ArbiterXero@lemmy.world
    toTechnology@lemmy.worldWhy we don't have 128-bit CPUs
    13 days ago

    I’m not overly worried about a few random Linux distros that did strange things, nor raspberry pi’s. I mean I don’t know why you’d use 32 bit on an 8gb pi anyways, so it shouldn’t affect anyone unless they did something REALLY strange.

    For the average user, neither of those scenarios mattered, especially back when the problem was at its peak.

    2 years was a long time to wait to use the extra memory that Linux could use out of the box.

    I honestly don’t even remember XP having PAE, but if you NEED the validation, sure, Microsoft EVENTUALLY got it.

    Except that Microsoft removed it in SP2 LOL!

    And all the home use versions of XP still maxed out at 4gb.

    There could see the memory but couldn’t use it, oh I’d forgotten that!

    Wikipedia was a fun read.

  • ArbiterXero@lemmy.world
    toTechnology@lemmy.worldWhy we don't have 128-bit CPUs
    14 days ago

    Intel PAE if the answer, but it still came with other issues, so 64 was still the better answer.

    Also the entire article comes down to simple math.

    Bits is the number of digits.

    So like a 4 digit number maxes out at 9999 but an 8 digit number maxes out at 99 999 999

    So when you double the number of digits, the max size available is exponential. 10^4 bigger in this case. It just sounds small because you’re showing that the exponent doubles.

    10^4 is WAY smaller than 10^8

  • Right but you’re missing the whole “you can’t separate sexual abuse from the power imbalance”

    It’s like when a female guard has sex with a male inmate.

    I believe that most of the time that happens, the inmate went after the guard. I also believe that if you asked the inmate that they consented to it 100%.

    But because the power dynamic at play is so severe, you just have to hardline it and say that as the CEO it’s illegal for you to dip in the company ink.

    Probably not worth jail time, maybe just lose your job and be forbidden from directorships/ceo for 10 years?

  • Here’s the problem….

    Because of the power imbalance you can never divorce the two, even if she chased him.

    That’s not a moral judgement, just a reality that “perspective “ matters here and if she chased him and then decides 3 years later that he unduly promoted her to try and convince her to have sex with him, BOOM he’s screwed, because she’s got a valid point.

    I don’t know the answer, but he’s definitely doing things he shouldn’t.

    And let’s be real, he’s likely a VERY shitty dad.

  • I ignored OP’s statements, not yours.

    You’ll find I replied to you and not them, but I appreciate your condescension in the midst of being wrong.

    Ranting about problem you had and being dramatic about it? No problem, I get it. I’m here to be supportive of your struggles. I’ll absolutely defend someone that is being dramatic over their own mistakes, we’re all our own biggest critics. Beyond that, I’ll ignore it and let them get through their own emotions.

    Feeling the need to judge someone over it? Yeah, YTA here and you’ll find that coworkers don’t like you for it. It’s unpleasant, and unnecessary.

    Do you enjoy it when people point out your faults and say “maybe the tech world isn’t for you?”

    …… but you’re not going to see it that way at all. You’ll create some meaningless “but it’s different” argument because you feel the need to defend your actions rather than reflect on them.

    Have a nice day, I’m done.

  • Fucking eh!

    If you spend 10 minutes looking into Dolly Parton, you’ll find a Fucking Angel.

    Legitimately. Look into her reading program. Not just the news articles, but the written deals. She makes sure that if her program is a success, that the county is contracted to keep it going FOR-FUCKING-EVER. Her legacy is generations of kids who graduate high school because she sent them books.

    And that’s just ONE thing she did, with a legacy that will outlast every one of us.

    We ride at dawn.