Oh, Gabe Newell, the mighty leader of Steam, We gather before you, in your digital dream. Your Steam Deck, a marvel of gaming delight, In your name, we play day and night.

Gaben, bless us with Half-Life 3’s grace, Release it upon us in this sacred place. Let our framerates be high and load times be swift, In your gaming kingdom, our spirits do lift.

We worship your sales and your Summer Sale’s might, Our wallets grow lighter, but our game libraries take flight. For it is you, Gabe Newell, we faithfully adore, As we game on Steam Deck, forevermore.

  • asexualchangeling@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Yeah Valve is definitely not perfect, and yet even with that they might still be my favorite tech company (or at least one of for sure)