Set up 1on1s with your team. Weekly or biweekly, depending on level and team size.
The other, most important task is to delegate. Learn how to identify when you should step back and let your team solve a problem. Lead from the front, but start to learn how to effectively delegate. This is the thing I’ve seen many others struggle with as they get promoted.
You are no longer a dev. You are now your team. Your future success depends on not only your own performance, but your whole team.
1:1s have been the most important thing for me as a lead. Gives you a chance to know your team, what they’re good at, what they struggle with. Let’s you head off a bad direction early. When your directs have a non urgent question they’ll probably save it for your next meeting rather than pinging you constantly with everything that jumps into their mind.
30 minutes with a teammate getting them unstuck is more impactful than 30 minutes of coding on some random feature
Set up 1on1s with your team. Weekly or biweekly, depending on level and team size.
The other, most important task is to delegate. Learn how to identify when you should step back and let your team solve a problem. Lead from the front, but start to learn how to effectively delegate. This is the thing I’ve seen many others struggle with as they get promoted.
You are no longer a dev. You are now your team. Your future success depends on not only your own performance, but your whole team.
1:1s have been the most important thing for me as a lead. Gives you a chance to know your team, what they’re good at, what they struggle with. Let’s you head off a bad direction early. When your directs have a non urgent question they’ll probably save it for your next meeting rather than pinging you constantly with everything that jumps into their mind.
30 minutes with a teammate getting them unstuck is more impactful than 30 minutes of coding on some random feature