I go to Steam regularly to play my games, usually posting simple screenshots of my game sessions. But when I go to the communities I see Internet videos, GIFs, memes, and memetic everything and it’s not really my thing. I even posted on Lemmy that I didn’t like memes in general and what do they post on here? It feels like people are having fun by abusing their humanity in the process or like a Reddit subreddit, and I specifically came to Lemmy on the Fediverse to avoid all that. They post things that I’m uncomfortable with and typically I don’t have fun by posting Internet memes for a living…that’s just weird.

Does anyone agree or does everyone here do it anyway?

  • memfree@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    I used to visit communities like you did, then I took an arrow in the knee.

    But no, seriously, if you don’t like the how people are talking, don’t bother going there. I don’t know people who use Steam’s community hubs for actual community. I see them getting used for info/joke sharing about their given games, but not for social bonding. Personally, I like the guides. Sometimes I search the discussions for a piece of information on an issue that I’m hoping someone else has already encountered and worked around. That’s about it.

    That said, I generally don’t mind that people make memes. If it makes them happy, then good for them! If other people get a chuckle, that’s even better. For me – and like my opening line – any amusement quickly turns to eye rolls as the same things get repeated over and over and were never very funny from the start.

    • Scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech
      4 months ago

      It’s also weird to think that you either have to cope with a community - or that the community must change because of your tastes. Just don’t take part in the community - or join a different one or start your own community that’s more to your speed. People enjoy different things, we don’t all have to take part, and we can create our own groups