I have a large library of steam games, but yet always come back to Garry mod and ravensfield. I keep coming back for the modded content and every other game is excellent, don’t get me wrong. But a lot of big games like RD2 and watchdogs 2 just seem like such a long time investment. What 2 games do you infinitely come back to?

  • chunkystyles@sopuli.xyz
    8 months ago

    I came to say Dwarf Fortress. I could gush about it for a long time. It’s a very special game. This was the only game that came to mind for this question. Especially knowing that the brothers are only about half way done with all of the features they want to add to the game. And I’m not exaggerating here. They’re on version 50 and the consider version 100 to be feature complete.

    I’m so glad they found another programmer.