A dangerous Washington 911 staffing crisis was averted with a simple fix: remote work | Kitsap County, in Washington State, is the first to prove that 911 dispatchers can work from anywhere::undefined

  • Fondots@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    A whole lot in this profession can be summed up as “it varies from one jurisdiction to another” so I can really only speak for where I work.

    Some places do much more complicated background check processes than others. Whatever the background check process at my county is, it was pretty streamlined and out-of-sight, out-of-mind for me as an applicant, so I can’t give too much detail on it.

    I don’t remember them calling any of my references, though I was able to get someone who already worked here to put in a good word for me so that may have given me a leg-up on that. There was a psych eval, I wouldn’t exactly call it extensive, it was a quick sit-down with the county shrink and then a long multiple choice personality test thing that seemed more like it was measuring ability to play well with others than screening for any significant mental issues.

    I did have to pass a drug test, and it was a hair test which I believe has a longer window of detection than a pee test, but as long as you can pass that they don’t really care about past drug use if you’re up-front about it, and honestly I’m pretty sure a pretty decent amount of my coworkers and at least one of my supervisors like to smoke up occasionally, if we ever cause a significant incident or they have reason to suspect that we’re intoxicated at work, we are subject to drug testing, but it’s not like we’re getting regularly tested, and I’ve never heard of anyone having to get tested in the 5+ years I’ve been here. Of course we are subject to a lot of different federal and state regulations so of course pot is officially forbidden,but you’d kind of have to really fuck up to get caught for it. Certain things like a DUI could lead to your certifications being revoked.

    I’ve heard a lot of places have you do a polygraph test, mine doesn’t (which is good because polygraphs are all kinds of bullshit)

    We also did get fingerprinted by our county detectives and I assume that got ran through the background check as well.

    We did have one or two hires with some kind of sketchy things in their past that probably shouldn’t have made it through our background checks but did, though I will say they were weeded out pretty quickly during training.

    As far as pay goes, again it varies a lot. I think I make ok money, I’m not rolling in it by a longshot but I’m staying afloat and managing to save a bit. The benefits are solid of course. Last I checked, I think we’re one of the lowest-paid dispatch centers in our immediate area, although we’re also one of the only non-union ones around here too, which is probably to be expected. That has its pluses and minuses, one of the first things that usually that comes with the contract negotiations is mandatory OT since every dispatch center struggles with staffing so we’ve managed to avoid that.

    I made about 66k last year after my shift differential (night shift gets paid a bit more,) overtime (I rarely come in for unscheduled OT, but the way our regular schedule works we go over 40 hours a week every other week) etc. people who have more certifications than I do can make a decent bit more than that at my center. I think it’s decent pay for the actual work we do, but not necessarily for the amount of liability we take on. There’s a lot of places that definitely pay a lot less than that. Some of the higher-ups in our department and county government have really been going to bat for us and wrangled us some pretty substantial raises over the last couple years and I’m making substantially more than I did when I started, so at least here the situation is definitely improving.

    • Bakachu@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Wow that sounds extensive enough to where there should be an expectation of higher pay. There’s an argument that for civic duties such as jury duty or political positions, pay should not incentivize prople to seek those duties or positions or you attract the wrong candidates…but I dont really believe thats true. Still, kudos to you for taking on a front line job like that - I’ve been to the ER a few times and the environment is just so surreal and depressing. I cant imagine the daily amounts of human suffering that you are exposed to. That’d be enough to justify the weed IMO.

      On another note, you should totally do an AMA.