How a false claim about wind turbines killing whales is spinning out of control in coastal Australia::Windfarm critics claim projects will harm marine life. Scientists say that’s not backed by credible evidence

  • KᑌᔕᕼIᗩ
    1 year ago

    This is more than just NIMBYs in Australia unfortunately. There’s a huge campaign pushing nuclear energy here over renewables. The current government is pushing renewables while the opposition party is pushing nuclear. There are a few mining companies and things who stand to make absolute bank if we went nuclear and the mining companies have a lot of political control here. The opposition party is largely in their pockets too.

    This article is just one example of the relentless and unashamed attacks on renewable energy here in the complicit media. They have discovered that they can straight up lie to the public and us idiots will swallow it hook line and sinker without question. That’s why you get such ludicrous articles like this here in Australia.