There are no italian private trackers, only releasears that operate through forums. Your best bet for 4k content is ildragonenero even though the encodes are very compressed.
I’ll be straightforward with you: pirating in italian is a work of love and endurance. Protect yourself using a vpn, learn how to remux tracks (because not everything is available) and lurk around communities. They are very scattered but they are there
There are no italian private trackers, only releasears that operate through forums. Your best bet for 4k content is ildragonenero even though the encodes are very compressed.
I’ll be straightforward with you: pirating in italian is a work of love and endurance. Protect yourself using a vpn, learn how to remux tracks (because not everything is available) and lurk around communities. They are very scattered but they are there
Su prowlarr ci sono elencate diverse dozzine di tracker privati italiani
Mi sono registrato ad alcuni per curiosità e c’è diverso contenuto