I just upgraded to a Xeon E5 v4 processor.
I think the max RAM on it is about 1.5 TiB per processor or something.
It’s not new, but it’s not that old either. Still cost me a pretty penny.
Some IT guy, IDK.
I just upgraded to a Xeon E5 v4 processor.
I think the max RAM on it is about 1.5 TiB per processor or something.
It’s not new, but it’s not that old either. Still cost me a pretty penny.
That’s just ADHD that’s undiagnosed.
Why do people deflect instead of just saying no?
That’s fair, humans suck.
Source, I’m human and I suck (not literally).
Is entirely tidy, gay-er than moderately tidy?
I’m left leaning, aka a “lib” and I’m a fan of things that are anti-capitalist.
I think capitalism has outlived it’s usefulness, just like religion did when we created modern criminal forensics.
At this point, we have so much in excess that if we did things in a reasonable and logical way, nobody would be homeless, nobody would go hungry.
The people with the power (money) don’t want things to change, because they get to stay in power that way. The only way to oust them is to overthrow the system.
The death spiral of a social platform:
Some percentage of people want to leave, find alternatives and leave.
Some percentage of people follow them out the door, because staying in touch with those people is more important than any perceived “loyalty” to $socialplatform.
Repeat the last step until all users have left.
Violence is not the answer.
Violence is more of a question.
That’s a trait of mine, to look at situations from different perspectives, not just mine, or what “I would do” or what I want to see happen.
I’m a long time observer of people, and the most fascinating thing to try to understand is why. It’s impossible to know someone’s true motivations for doing something but most of the time you can reach a pretty good guess if you have enough of a picture of what’s going on with them.
I don’t mind downvotes. I don’t hate what Luigi did, and I appreciate that he probably didn’t feel like he had another course of action, at the same time, I try to understand and be sympathetic regarding anyone else Luigi may have come into contact with.
We’re all living a life, everyone’s life is a complex, interconnected mess of happenstance.
The system itself must regard itself as fair, therefore if there is a clear and present violation of the law, they must enforce the punishment for that violation.
The problem is that the crimes if these healthcare CEOs, are indirect. They sign into policy that people should be denied coverage based on bullshit. This leads to damages in the form of unemployment (hard to work when you’re sick constantly), pain, suffering, and death.
Since their actions didn’t immediately and directly kill the person, only by their inaction, or their refusal to act, did the person then succumb to their illness, there isn’t a clear violation of the law. It’s still there, it’s just not super clear. Since the burdon of proof is on the accuser, and the accused is “innocent until proven guilty” under the law, and these policies that get people killed are not public documents, and therefore difficult to acquire in a way that’s “admissible in court”, there’s a steep and stark uphill climb to meet that burdon of proof required to properly prosecute these jerkwads.
Fact of the matter is, families wronged by insurance assholes generally don’t have the funds to support a long legal battle to first obtain, then submit the required evidence, and then see the case all the way through to the end against highly paid legal teams representing the insurance companies. If anyone in that position had enough money to do that, they would have long spent the money required on healing their family members before the idea of a case materializes.
What I’m saying is, only the rich assholes have the resources to fight, and because they’re rich assholes, they’ll never end up in a situation where they would need to fight.
Therefore, nothing will be done because nobody with the resources to do something will do anything, nor would they have reason to do anything. So the only recourse is… Well… Exactly what happened. You can try peaceful protests and trying to push legislation, but bluntly, it would take so long to get done, if it ever got done, that anyone you hoped to help with the changes, would be long dead by the time the legislation is put in place. Bearing in mind that everyone in government would be against you on it. They’re all rich assholes that either profit directly from health insurance being broken, or they know someone who benefits from it. So the chances aren’t good.
What happened, especially if it becomes more of a trend, the single act that Luigi took… If people follow in those footsteps, changes will happen, and quickly, because above all, these jackoffs don’t want to die. They want you to die for their profit margins to go up, but they don’t want to die. Making death a real and credible risk from literally any stranger they meet on the street, will inspire them to make changes that minimize that risk. Fat lot of good the Justice system is to a corpse. Good for the family, sure, but the corpse isn’t going to be any less dead after the prosecution rests.
If this becomes a very real and credible threat to their survival, one that could come from anywhere at any time, without warning… They’ll get the message really fucking fast.
IMO, we only need it to happen once more, to get there.
Yup. And I hope this is a lesson that is well learned to the front line workers of the USA. I’m sure many don’t give enough of a shit to even notice, but hopefully the message is spread far and wide that this is what happens when we rat eachother out.
Do not speak to police, ever. Exercise your right to silence always. Do not help them, do not correct them when they are wrong. Do not speak to them besides informing them that you are exercising your right to remain silent.
Police are not your friend, they are a gang of armed thugs out to enforce laws put in by a system that is designed to actively work against you for the good of the 1%.
I hope that message gets to all of those that would be a rat.
The last I heard about the rat that outed Luigi was that he got doxxed, harassed, fired, and to piss on all of that, denied any compensation or reward by the pigs for being a rat. That sucks for him, but snitches get stitches.
That list is getting long.
I think you’re right. The prospect of being rewarded may have been enough to push them to giving up Luigi.
After the authorities apprehend him, there’s every chance that they’ll delay, deny, defend against giving out any kind of reward to anyone for their help in finding him.
To be blunt, I don’t blame them.
There was a price on his head, and while I understand why he would do what he did (though his direct intentions haven’t really been made public), and I agree that there are good reasons for what he did; the fact is, he committed a crime.
While we’re all basically cheering on what he did, I’m sure that CEO that I don’t care enough about to remember his name, had family and friends and stuff who will miss him greatly.
Those people, under the law, are entitled to justice, the same as you or I are entitled to justice when healthcare CEOs deny coverage that directly leads to someone’s death. Though, I don’t know how much of the latter has ever transpired. Regardless, the fact that we’re entitled to our day in court to get justice, so are they.
Provided Luigi is guilty, of course. This fact has yet to be proven in a court of law.
With all that in mind, and the monetary reward for basically turning him in, for someone working a minimum wage job at McDonald’s, that’s an easy call. You’re technically “doing the right thing” by tipping off police to the whereabouts of a suspect in a murder, and you also get a payday for it. Win-win ? I guess?
Personally, I was hoping that, we the people (or at least the US people), would feel so strongly in support of what was done, that we would individually agree unanimously, that we don’t turn this person in, and we just carry on. Sure, authorities would keep looking for him because they’re paid to, but the general public simply isn’t helping them at all with it.
IMO, that would have sent a very public and very clear message to the people in charge that “we the people” do not care about you. We have the power to do these things and suffer no consequences. We have the power that you think you hold. Do the right thing, or you’re next.
Alas, not the case. Oh well.
Anyone else remember bowling for Columbine?
Did you send them a map?
It’s beanie babies 2.0
It will be impossible to ever know whether or was or not.
Well, a YouTube account with the shooters name posted a video today titled “truth” which was basically saying that there were videos scheduled to be made public in the near future (presumably on the same account), which would speak to his motivations and mind set or something of the sort.
Instead of telling you about it, I would prefer to just link the video, but according to YouTube, the account associated with the YouTube channel has been removed, so you can believe me or not on this. the video was only up for about 4 hours and when I saw it, maybe 30 minutes before it was removed from YouTube, it had 10’s of thousands of views. I know those counters aren’t exactly real time, so it’s not unreasonable to think that upwards of 100k people saw it, maybe more, and unless one of them saved it, it’s likely that nobody else will see it.
Short story. A former employer did almost everything “server less”.
So, instead of any physical servers, there would be AD controllers, file servers, and remote desktop servers in azure VMs instead.
I’m pretty sure that some of the largest deployments were nearly as expensive per year as the hardware would have been to just run it in house. Like, you can buy a whole-assed server, capable of running your entire workload, every year that you run “server less”
And what did I do? Well, I managed and maintained server VMs that happened to be in azure instead of a device that the company owns.
The whole thing was baffling. Why anyone would do things that way just amazes me.