Maven (famous)

They/them NB

The most annoying thing about being famous is having to tell everyone how famous you are.


  • 13 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • It’s a little bit of both of what you listed. Enjoying Harry Potter on its own is generally fine… The problem I have with it personally, especially in this case, is that JKR has specifically stated multiple times that the funds from it go directly to anti-trans organizations.

    People are allowed to enjoy whatever they want to enjoy, but if that thing directly funds hate… I am likely to think less fondly of them.

    Similarly, if someone says their favorite person is Andrew Tate, I probably won’t match with them.

  • Learning is an essential part of being human :D I definitely still have more to learn either way.

    It’s important to note that some NB people do consider themselves trans and some don’t… Which can get a bit confusing if you’re out of the space itself.

    I just personally worry that any sort of blanket classification of NB people as non-trans can lead to the erasure that bisexual people experience. (Bisexual people are often called “gay but trying to hide it” even within LGBTQ+ spaces)

  • That sounds a lot like you lean more towards the medical side of trans. This is fine on its face but it can often lead to a lot of gatekeeping and such within and outside of the community.

    The most common example is to have people only count as trans if they are taking medication and then limiting access to that medication to certain groups, effectively removing the classifier of “trans” from the person.

    Judging someones anything purely by a certain standard leans into the No True Scotsman side of things and can damage the community and it’s members.

    I appreciate that you’re willing to learn more on the topic either way. I don’t think you’re an asshole but basing if someone is trans purely medically is also something assholes do for asshole end goals. It’s less about you and more about the company that shares that opinion and the other opinions that company shares amongst themselves.

  • I’m NB and quoting Harry Potter just sounds like you hate me

    Edit: also I get very few people messaging me first

    Edit 2: I really don’t understand the downvotes outside of maybe just enjoying Harry Potter. This is just a personal experience I’ve had.

    Harry Potter stuff directly funds anti-trans organizations and that leads to the furthering decline of mental health among trans people which leads to them dying.

    Sure, an opening message doesn’t send any money to JK but it’s a massive red flag that someone is willing to send money to JK.

    People are allowed to enjoy things, but in turn, I’m also allowed to decide not to talk to someone for funding hate speech.